Added the ability to limit users' access to campuses by assigning them to User Groups.
Through the account management page you can add and remove users to groups and set which campuses these User Groups have access to.
All users are added automatically to the Everyone group. By default, the Everyone group has access to all campuses.
When new groups are created, you can invite users into a group and select which campuses the group has access to. All unassigned campuses cannot be seen or edited by users in the group.
Users can be part of multiple groups, and group permissions are stackable: If a user is part of a group that grants them access to Campus A, and are a member of another group that grants them access to Campus B, they will have access to both Campus A and B.
Once the custom User Groups have been created, the partner admin should modify the access of the Everyone group to "no campuses" so that the custom groups can come into effect.
If a user is part of a group that grants them access to "all campuses", they will be able to see all and create new campuses.
If a user is only part of groups that grant them access to specific campuses, they will not be able to create new campuses by default. You can override this behaviour by checking the "allow adding new campuses in PlanStudio" box - if checked, any new campuses created by a user within this group will automatically be added to that group and all other users of this group will have access to the new campus as well.
Unless a user is part of an "all campuses" group, empty clients will be hidden in PlanStudio.
All Admin roles have access to all campuses, regardless of the groups they are part of