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Rick Anstey: It is my dream to see the ESP embraced by Emergency Services everywhere

Written by
Hamish Thomson
Published on
May 22, 2023

Rick Anstey has been the Chairman of Locatrix and active Non-Executive Director since 2010. With a career spanning 35 years, Rick has extensive experience in deep technology. His commitment to Locatrix and the development of the Emergency Services Portal speaks volumes of his leadership and expertise, so it’s no surprise that Rick is an invaluable member of our executive team.

“I am excited by the fact that Locatrix has developed and evolved a business model which will not only disrupt the safety compliance sector, but also provide us with a unique global position in being able to deliver accurate floor plans to first responders in an emergency situation.”

Rick strongly believes that when the Emergency Services Portal (ESP) is embraced by first responders worldwide, it will be a catalyst in changing many aspects of how emergency situations are responded to and managed.

“Currently, first responders are not fully prepared for the emergency situation when they arrive – often floor plans are not available or they are difficult to locate , and often there is only an address, creating uncertainty around how to enter the building, etc. But by having ESP delivered prior to arriving onsite, first responders will have a clear understanding of the layout of the building, as well as any obstacles or challenges they could experience when attending to the emergency.”

Rick recalls the regular concern of bomb threats from the IRA in London during the 1970’s, and can vividly remember seeing sandbags piled up against buildings, and windows being covered as a method of bomb protection.

“I can only imagine how archaic emergency procedures would have been for first responders at that time, and how valuable it would have been to have a better understanding of locations and floor plans. Having a tool like ESP back then would have been remarkable.”

When discussing the future of Locatrix and the Emergency Services Portal, Rick remains extremely optimistic about its continued development, and has big dreams and aspirations for the product.

“It is my dream to see the ESP embraced by emergency services everywhere. It’s a product that has the capability of being directly responsible for saving lives in emergency situations,  and the work we’re doing right now to keep the tool evolving will ensure its longevity in not only the safety and compliance sector, but the technology industry as well.”

Because of people like Rick, who continue to provide our business with their expertise and influence, the future of the Emergency Services Portal is positive, and we’re excited about all we’ll achieve in the coming years.

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